Saturday, January 8, 2011

Giveaway Entry

OKay Soooo... Here we go two posts in one day. But this one is just a Giveaway entry. One of the makeup mavens I follow on youtube and wat not is havin' one of the most BAMFish giveaways to date. I've seen lost of contests in my time this is the only one I've really wanted to enter. hit up this link to her blog to see the prizes and details so u can partake as well.

Assassin's Creed: brotherhood

SOOO I'm doing my very first post about waiting for my Assassin recruits to finish their contracts so that I can move on in the game...

I killed several of my past recruits by sending them on contracts with near impossible odds in and effort to get them to a higher level quicker. I was successful the first two times I tried it. I got two level 2 recruits all the way to level 9 having done only 2 contracts. After that though I killed 5 trying to recreate that success.

A completely unrelated side note I wanted to add. My little brother got me one of the best Christmas gifts I've ever had. A signed first edition copy of the very first comic int he Anita Blake saga by Laurell K. Hamilton. I am still through the moon about it. 70 percent of the Anita Blake books that I own are first editions so this is like such a gem for my collection I had a Geek-gasm the moment I unwrapped it. I officially have the best little brother in the world.

So I have just been notified that my recruits have finished their assignments or died either way I gotta stop now so until next time... hopefully its not too long.